SIMA Backoffice

SIMA is a Back Office Software that allows the platform owner to:


Easy multi-tier provisioning; Carriers, Resellers and end customers
User Profile Management
Calling Cards and Top-Up Cards Management
Client Tools Self-upgrade


CDRs, SMS and Data rating
Flexible Price List Creation
Free Call List

Advanced Plans & Charges management

Multiple Plans Management
Support for Recurring Charges
Conditional Surcharge for Prepaid Customers
Debits, Credits and On Behalf of features

Reporting and Routing
Diversified Consumption Reports Customized Reports tool embedded Billing and Management Related Reports Backup and Restore for Rating and Routing Flexible Routing Management User Action Logging


The Softswitch IPVision Manager Application (SIMA) is a Voice-over-IP (VoIP) network administration and management application suite that provides enhanced commercial benefits to a IPVision Inc.’ VoIP network.
The SIMA solution provides revenue-generating features tools to maximize the profitability, efficiency, and services of your IPVision’s VoIP network. This, in turn, enhances the capabilities of your current customers and attracts new customers.
SIMA provides advanced business tools, such as billing, reporting, invoices, and profitability analyses, that simply the management and execution of tasks regarding revenue. By using these tools, the efficiency of your business increases dramatically.

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